AGIIS-NonSubscriber Benefits
Welcome to AgGateway’s Ag Industry Identification System’s (AGIIS)
non-subscriber platform.
To access AGIIS identifiers complete the simple registration process.
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From here you can search for Global Location Numbers (GLNs), Global Trade Item Numbers (GTINs) and associated demographics. Web-based access and limited automated web service searches are free; fees accrue once a user exceeds a certain number or level of web service searches.
AgGateway set up this user-friendly web interface, as well as an automated method to access the unique identifiers, to encourage eBusiness in the industry. AGIIS identifiers are globally applicable standard identifiers. When business use these recognized standards, it results in increased data quality and efficiency, reduced manual entry, and fewer headaches when it comes to year-end reconciliation with your suppliers!
Hundreds of companies throughout the agriculture industry use AGIIS identifiers in electronic transactions such as purchasing/invoicing, delivery confirmation, ship notices and reporting, to ensure accuracy of delivery, billing and receipt of products and electronic information.
Here’s what ag retailers are saying about the value of integrating industry standard identifiers into eBusiness processes:
“Using AGIIS unique identifiers and AgGateway standardized message formats means our systems are more automated, accurate and timely – that allows our people to focus on serving our customers.”
- Randy Fry, Information System Manager, Ceres Solutions
“The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) lookup in AGIIS eliminates the need to contact the manufacturer for each GTIN that we might be missing when it comes time to send Product Movement Reports (PMR). This is a huge time savings....”
- Ann Vande Lune, Agronomy Administrator, Key Cooperative
To read the full testimonials from these and other users, go to the AGIIS webpage at
If you need more information on the benefits of subscribing to the AGIIS Directory, please contact