Submission Codes (last revised 09/22/2014)

2001 Update the AGIIS entity with the name/address information supplied by the Subscriber. Supported for NAPD and GLN Bulk. Requires the appropriate identifier (NAPD/HP ID or GLN) for the entity to be updated. The subscriber is submitting an update to an existing record. The update could be name and/or address change. The record must include an appropriate identifier. The return code, if successfully accepted, is 4012 (see return code descriptions).
2002 Add this entity to AGIIS. Supported for NAPD and GLN Bulk. For NAPD Bulk no identifier is supplied by subscriber. For GLN Bulk the subscriber must supply a GLN or the constant AGIIS_GLN to request a GLN to be assigned from AGIIS. The subscriber is submitting new record(s) to their subset and/or directory. For NAPD Bulk, the subscriber does not have an NAPD/HP ID. For GLN Bulk, the subscriber can optionally supply the GLN to be used for the record to be added or can request that an AGIIS GLN be assigned to the new record. This record will be added to the subscribers subset and/or directory. If record(s) has been successfully added, the return code will be 4011 or 4010 (see return code descriptions).
2003 Add this record to the subscriber's subset using the identifier supplied by the subscriber. Supported for NAPD and GLN Bulk. The subscriber has received AGIIS identifiers but does not have them on their subset. This code will attempt to add these records to the subscriber's subset. If processed correctly, the return code would be 4009 - This record was added to your subset using the supplied identifier.
2004 Use the name/address information supplied by the subscriber search AGIIS and if a matching entity is found, return the AGIIS identifier associated with the entity. Do not add to the subscriber's subset. Supported for NAPD and GLN Bulk. The subscriber submits names and addresses and would like the AGIIS identifier associated with them in return. This code is for inquiry purposes only. If processed correctly the return code would be 4008 - The information in this record is the result of an inquiry and was not added to subset.
2005 Return the entity name/address information associated with the identifier supplied by the subscriber - do not add to subset. Supported for NAPD and GLN Bulk. This code is for inquiry purposes only. The subscriber submits AGIIS identifiers and receives back names and addresses. If processed correctly, the return code would be 4008- The information in this record is the result of an identifier inquiry and was not added to subset.
2006 The set of GLN's supplied by the subscriber are suspected to be duplicate entities. Note, this transaction is only supported for GLN Bulk transactions in XML format (ActionRequest="Report Duplicates"). This code is used to report a set of suspected duplicate entities. If a subscriber finds what he/she believes is a duplicate on their subset, that person would submit the GLN's of the suspected duplicate entities using this transaction.
2007 This code is used when a subscriber no longer wants this record on their subset. Delete this record from the subscriber's subset using the identifier supplied by the subscriber. Supported for NAPD and GLN Bulk.
2013 Reactivate the entity associated with identifier supplied by the subscriber, enumerate this entity with the GLN supplied by the subscriber, and update the subscriber's GLN subset. The return code, if successfully processed is 4031 (see return code descriptions). Reactivate the entity associated with identifier supplied by the subscriber. Supported for GLN Bulk. Note that use of this submission code must be pre-authorized by the AGIIS Help Desk.